Dear AFRUCA Community,


Protection Ourselves During Ongoing Nation-wide Racist Attacks and Hate Crimes

In light of the recent nation-wide unrests and targeted violence against Muslims, Black, and Asian communities across the UK, we at AFRUCA - Safeguarding Children wish to extend our heartfelt solidarity and support to all our service users, including children and young people, parents, partners, volunteers and faith and community groups.


Standing Together in Solidarity

 We are deeply saddened and troubled by the ongoing race riots and acts of hatred that have targeted our diverse and vibrant communities. These events are a stark reminder of the systemic racism and intolerance that persist in our society. At AFRUCA, we stand firmly against all forms of discrimination and violence, and we are committed to supporting those in our community affected during these challenging times.


Empathy and Support

 We recognise the fear, anger, and anxiety that many of us may be experiencing as a result of the Southport stabbing incident. Our heartfelt condolences go to the affected families. It is essential to acknowledge these feelings and know that we are all together.

AFRUCA is here to offer support and guidance to our service users and stakeholders. Please reach out to us if you need assistance, be for emotional support, practical advice, or simply a listening ear.

 AFRUCA’s Community Safety Guidelines


To help protect everyone in our AFRUCA community, we have compiled some guidelines to ensure our safety and wellbeing:


  1. Stay Informed:

    • Keep up to date with the latest news and information from reliable sources. This will help us all stay aware of any areas that might be particularly affected by the riots/unrests.


  1. Support Network:

    • Support each other by sharing information about potential threats and safe zones. Know where our children and family members are travelling to at all times.

    • Whenever possible, travel in groups, especially during times of heightened tension. There is safety in numbers.

  2. Emergency Contacts:

    • Ensure we all have a list of emergency contacts readily available. This should include trusted friends or family members, local authorities and community leaders.

  3. Keep Safe:

    • Only go out when necessary. Do not be provoked into any unnecessary arguments or fights. Avoid the need to ‘retaliate’ under any circumstances.

  4. Report Incidents:

    • Any witnessing or experiences of any form of racist attacks, hate crime or violence, must be reported to the authorities immediately. Our reports can help prevent further incidents and bring perpetrators to justice. If you experience any racist attack or hate crime call 101 or 999.


Working Together

 We call upon our networks, allies, partners, and faith and community groups to join us in fostering a climate of unity and mutual respect. By working together, we can create a stronger, more resilient community that stands against racism, hate and violence.

In these testing times, it is more important than ever to remain united and support one another. AFRUCA remains committed to safeguarding our children and communities. We are here for you, and together, we will navigate through this crisis with strength and solidarity.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for support or if you have any questions. Let us all stay safe and take care of each other.

 AFRUCA Safeguarding Children